
手机销售英语 手机销售英语对话

频道:创业之初 日期: 浏览:1311

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手机销售英语 手机销售英语对话

Nowadays, cellphones become popular among students There is an heated disscussion on whether students should hold cellphones with them at school Some students think that it is convenient for students to ke。

3你想选什么品牌de手机Which brand of mobile phone do you want?4行货和水货怎么说行货qualified goods , 水货smuggled goods 5“诺基亚官方在中国市场销售de正品手机,有质保和正规de发票”怎么翻译;Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the people! we can bring mobile phones to anywhere Such as 手机名Because it is very useful!As we know, the 21st century is a modern age。

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